Alex Weiser, Director of Public Programs

YIVO provides different avenues for making meaning out of Jewish heritage. This year, we dramatically increased our digital programming and use of social media. Audience attendance and participation has skyrocketed. Thousands of people watched our Shine Online educational programs such as A Seat at the Table: A Journey Into Jewish Food. We popularized classes devoted to Yiddish civilization, providing book talks, lectures, and even live concerts. Experts explored everything from Yiddish politics to the role of Yiddish folksongs in relation to classical music. People throughout the world are discovering all that we have to offer.

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Hear from other members of our professional team:

Eddy Portnoy

Academic Advisor and Director of Exhibitions

Karolina Ziulkoski

Chief Curator, YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum

Ben Kaplan

Director of Education

Stefanie Halpern

Director of the YIVO Archives

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