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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Wednesday Feb 17 1:00pm

Yiddish: Biography of a Language

Join us for a conversation celebrating the publication of Jeffrey Shandler’s new book Yiddish: Biography of a Language, with Shandler, Anita Norich, and Ayala Fader, moderated by YIVO's Academic Advisor and Director of Exhibitions Eddy Portnoy.

Monday Mar 8 1:00pm

Leaving Behind the Froyen-vinkl, or How Women Functioned in the Male World of Yiddish Literature

Joanna Lisek presents the strategies women used to break their way into the sphere of the printed Yiddish word when few avenues were available for them to make their voices heard.

Tuesday May 25 1:00pm

Salomea Perl & Women Yiddish Prose Writers

Translator Ruth Murphy, Anna Fishman Gonshor, and Justin Cammy, in a discussion moderated by Rokhl Kafrissen, celebrate Murphy's new translation Salomea Perl’s writings and reflect on how previously ignored or lost female authors have been brought into the Yiddish canon.

YIVO Presents: Continuing Evolution 2: Yiddish Folksong in Classical Music


On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at 1:00pm (EDT), YIVO will host the digital musical performance premiere, Continuing Evolution 2: Yiddish Folksong in Classical Music. This event will feature five world premiere compositions commissioned for the occasion by YIVO.

Wednesday Apr 21 1:00pm

Continuing Evolution 2: Yiddish Folksong in Classical Music

Join us for a digital premiere performance of five new compositions commissioned by YIVO, performed alongside archival recordings of the Yiddish folksongs they engage with.

Thursday Jul 1 4:30pm

The Yiddish Folksong: A Survey

Mark Slobin situates the “Yiddish folksong” in the context of the general European folksong world as well as the world of the performed expressive culture of ‘Yiddishland’, from prayer through popular song.

Monday Jul 12 4:30pm

Yiddish Women Writers (Part 1)

Avraham Novershtern looks at how Yiddish women poets struggled, whether openly or tacitly, with the expectation that their work be 'soft' and ‘intimate', dealing with love and, to a certain extent, with sex.

Monday Jul 19 4:30pm

Yiddish Women Writers (Part 2)

Avraham Novershtern continues examining how Yiddish women poets struggled, whether openly or tacitly, with the expectation that their work be 'soft' and ‘intimate', dealing with love and, to a certain extent, with sex.

Thursday Jul 15 4:30pm

Yiddish & Zionism

Rachel Rojanski examines the dialectical tensions between the Hebrew ideology of Zionism and the reality that forced it to play a significant role in the development of Yiddish culture.

Monday Jul 26 4:30pm

Standardization in Contemporary Yiddish: Case Studies from Hasidic Jews and Yiddishists

Isaac Bleaman explores standardization in contemporary Yiddish, through two case studies in quantitative (variationist) sociolinguistics.