Check your answers below and let us know how you did on social media!


1. You can find this animal in savannas

a)     Der helfand – elephant
b)     Der shtekhler – hedgehog
c)     Di fledermoyz – bat
d)     Di zhabe – frog

2. You can find this animal in the mountains

a)     Di ku – cow
b)     Der pantser – armadillo
c)     Di tsig – goat
d)     D
er hipopotam – hippopotamus

3. You can find this animal on plains

a)    Der krokodil – crocodile
b)    Dos ferd – horse
c)     Der popugay – parrot
d)     Der foylyak – sloth

4. You can find this animal in grasslands

a)     Di malpe – monkey
b)     Der yam-hunt – seal

c)     Der leyb – lion
d)     Di broske – toad

5. You can find this animal in the arctic

a)     Der vayser ber – polar bear
b)     Dos moyshe-rabeynus kiyele – ladybug
c)     Der tarakan – cockroach
d)     Der shtroys – ostrich

6. You can find this animal in burrows

a)     Dos kinigl – rabbit
b)     Der tsofndiker hirsh – reindeer
c)     Di yashtsherke – lizard
d)     Di toyb – pigeon or dove

7. You can find this animal in trees

a)     Der baran – ram
b)     Di lame – llama
c)     Di veverke – squirrel
d)     Der keml – camel

8. You can find this animal in the sea

a)     Dos vizltir – bison
b)     Der vald-khazer – wild boar
c)     Der zhiraf – giraffe
d)     Dos yam-ferd – walrus

9. BONUS: You can find this animal in the sky

a)     Di eynhorn – unicorn (also rhinoceros)
b)     Di nimfe – nymph
c)     Dos fliglferd – pegasus
d)     Der tsverg – gnome

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Illustrations: Animal illustrations pasted into the school notebook of Marilyn Tennenbaum (b. 1915), Kobryn Folks-Shule, 1925-27. Kobryn, Poland. YIVO Archives.