In honor of our milestone centennial year, we have established a Centennial Honor Roll. Commitments in support of our centennial made in addition to membership or annual gifts will ensure that YIVO can continue to grow our archives, programs, education, and capacity so we can continue this essential work for the next 100 years and beyond. The list below reflects pledges and cash payments.


Join the Honor Roll

To learn more, please contact Melissa S. Cohen at mcohen@yivo.org or 212.294.6156.

Centennial Founder’s Circle

Anonymous (3)
Ruth and David Levine
Manat Foundation
Elisa New and Lawrence Summers
Irene Pletka

Centennial Visionary

Atran Foundation, Inc.

Centennial Benefactor

Cara P. Beckenstein
Gelman Family Foundation
Ruth Hochberger and Martin Flumenbaum
Susanne and Jacob J. Morowitz
Allan L. Nadler
Jon Richmond
Deborah Veach
The Wagner Family Foundation
Myra and Harry Wagner

Centennial Patron

Joanna and Emil Kleinhaus
Kate Rothko Prizel and Ilya Prizel
Judith E. Weisfuse and Michael Wax

Centennial Builder

Nicole Simmons and Eric S. Rubin

Centennial Friend

The Stanley & Ethel Glen Family Foundation
Dan Opatoshu and Anne Spielberg

In formation


*All gifts $1,000 and up received between January 1 and December 31, 2025 will be featured on YIVO’s Centennial Honor Roll in perpetuity.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please report any corrections to mcohen@yivo.org.