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1. Skull

a)     Oygn – eyes
b)     Sharbn – skull
c)     Ruknbeyn – spine
d)     Tson – tooth

2. Shoulder

a)     Aksl – shoulder
b)     Kinbeyn – jawbone
      Nozlekher – nostrils
d)     Pyate – heel

3. Ribs

a)     Kni – knee
b)     Gombe – chin
c)     Pakhve – armpit
d)     Ripn – ribs

4. Hand

a)     Hant – hand
b)     Fusfinger – toe

c)      Elnboygn – elbow
     Bekn – pelvis

5. Foot

a)     Orem – arm
b)     Haldz – neck
     Fus – foot (also leg)
d)     Pupik – bellybutton


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Illustrations: Crops from an anatomical diagram of a skeleton found in the anatomy notebook of a student at a Tsentrale Yidishe Shul-Organizatsye school (Central Yiddish School Organization, TSYSHO). The names of each bone are labeled in Yiddish. Oshmene, Poland, 1937. YIVO Archives.