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1. Which of the following are effective in warding against demons like Lilith?

a)      Salt, acorns, and horseshoes
b)      Mountain ash, garlic, and wolf's bane

c)      Iron, spit, and amulets
d)      Four-leaf clover, sapphires, and pearls

2. What is the cure for a horse that can’t urinate?

a)     Give him lots of water
b)    Rub garlic on his teeth
c)     Serve him barley water and licorice

d)    Massage him with a coriander-parsley paste

3. Which colors drive away the Evil Eye?

a)      Red and blue
b)      White and yellow

c)       Pink and purple
d)      Green and Orange

4. Why is the moon more important than the sun, according to the rabbi of Chelm?

a)      It shines at night when we really need it.
b)      It affects the waves and the tide.

c)       It protects the earth from foreign bodies in space.
d)      It is the basis for the Jewish calendar.

5. What “custom” did the Jews observe on Christmas and why?

a)      “Holts hakn” because you were supposed to cut down trees
b)      “Yidish plaplyada” because you were supposed to speak only Yiddish
c)       “Oser lekekh shtekl” because you weren’t supposed to eat candy cane

d)      “Nitl” or “Nit lernen” because you weren’t supposed to study

Are you ready to start learning more about Jewish folklore? Folksong, Demons, and the Evil Eye: Folkore of Ashkenaz begins January 17!