Genealogy Collection: Videos, Conference Proceedings & Slides

Video Cassettes

Ancestors. Provo, UT: KBYU Productions.

Frysztak (Poland). Upper Montclair, NJ: Voices & Visions Productions, Ltd.

Journey of the Heart.

Lodz Ghetto. The Jewish Heritage Project, 1989. (distributed by Atlas Video, Inc., Bethesda, MD).

March of the Living (recruitment tape).

Poland: Creating a New Jewish Heritage. Upper Montclair, NJ: JEM/GLO, 1997.

Program Highlights of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, held in Washington DC, April 10-14, 1983.

Shtetl (Deportation/Murder of the Jews of Bransk). South Burlington, VT: WGBH Video, 1996.

Skala on the Border. Skala Benevolent Society, Inc./Jesse Cogan Associates, 2001.

Steiner and Lichtenstein: Exploration of Family Roots. Upper Montclair, NJ: Voices & Visions Productions, Ltd., 2000.

The Jews of Poland: Five Cities / Bialystok, Lvov, Krakow, Vilna, Warsaw. Teaneck, NJ: Ergo Media, Inc., 1988.

Remembering Oswiecim. Produced by The Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation and After the Gathering, Inc., 2000.

Eisman, Yehuda and Abraham Goldberg (producers). Janovska: The Janovska Camp at Lvov (Survivors Tell Their Story). Teaneck, NJ: Ergo Media, Inc., 1993.

Gittleman, Philip (director/producer). The Last Journey: The Lost Jews of Russia. Teaneck, NJ: Ergo Media, Inc., 1987

Jampel, Barbara. There Once Was a Town: A Remarkable Journey of Hope and Survival. Washington, D.C.: WETA, 2000.

Shemer, Yaron. Pilgrimage of Remembrance: Jewish in Poland Today. Teaneck, NJ: Ergo Media, Inc., 1991.

Spielberg, Steven. Survivors of the Holocaust. Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation: 1995.

Upshpiz, Adah. Not Like Sheep to the slauther: The Story of the Bialystok Ghetto. Teaneck, NY: Ergo Media, Inc., 1991.

Waletsky, Josh. Image Before My Eyes. New York: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1980.

Conference Proceedings

Establishing the Legacy: The First International Conference for Organizations and Institutions which Commemorate the Holocaust. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1989.

Bibliographies of Polish Judaica. International Symposium, Crakow: July 5-7, 1988. Cracow: Jagiellonian University, 1993. (E)

Syllabus: 14th Summer Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, June 25-29, 1995. Washington, DC.

Syllabus: 15th Summer Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, July 14-19, 1996. Boston, MA.

Syllabus: 18th Annual Seminar on Jewish Genealogy: July 12-17, 1998. Los Angeles, CA.


1 box Majdanek Concentration Camp
3 boxes Pamieci Zydow Polskich [In Memory of the Polish Jews].