Jews in Space: Family Program

Sunday Apr 15, 2018 10:00am
Family Program

Co-presented with Center for Jewish History

Admission: Free

Bring your children, bring your grandchildren and join us for an extraterrestrial adventure! Explore our stellar exhibition on a fun-filled, family scavenger hunt. Design a rocket ship that really takes off! Discover the mystifying, mesmerizing music of the theremin, an instrument you play but never touch. Then try it yourself and listen to that sci-fi sound. All this, plus what do astronauts eat for dinner? We’ll skype with a NASA food scientist and see what’s on the menu. Financially supported by the generosity of Lisa and Joshua Greer, Kepco, Inc. & the Kupferberg Foundation.

About the Participants

Rob Schwimmer is a composer-pianist/keyboardist, vocalist, and thereminist. He has performed and recorded around the world with artists including, Simon and Garfunkle, Willie Nelson, The Boston Pops, The Klezmatics, and many others. A founding member and co-director of the New York Theremin Society, Rob is one of the top theremin virtuosos in the world.

Vickie L. Kloeris is the Manager of the International Space Station Food System at NASA Johnson Space Center. A food scientist for more than thirty years, Vickie makes sure that astronauts have an appetizing menu and nutritional food in outer space. 

Anna Martin is an artist and art educator in New York City. She teaches in schools and museums and works with artists of all ages and abilities.