Curator-in-Chief Hired for the YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum

Jan 30, 2019
Karolina Ziulkoski

In October 2018, YIVO welcomed a new addition to its staff, Karolina Ziulkoski, who will serve as Chief Curator of the YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum. Its mission is to serve as a gateway for general audiences to explore the treasures of the Edward Blank YIVO Vilna Online Collections.

Ziulkoski is an award-winning new media artist and designer who has worked in Brazil and the U.S. Her work has included interactive exhibitions for the American Museum of Natural History, Daemo, a Self-Governed Crowdsourcing Marketplace, a project of the Stanford Crowd Research Collective, "Museum Without Walls" (Brazil), and "Wind", an interactive installation for the DKNY window display in Soho, New York. Her “Future Past News,” an installation that uses augmented reality, has been exhibited at the NEW INC Public Beta at the New Museum, the 2017 SPRING/BREAK Art Show, Smack Mellon, and the 2018 Art Central Hong Kong PROJECTS. She is the creative director of the new Museum of Municipalities, which will open soon in Brasília, Brazil. Ziulkoski was an adjunct professor at Rutgers University Visual Arts-Design program and is currently a mentor at NEW INC, the New Museum's incubator for art, technology and design in New York City.

“We hired Karolina because we wanted a fresh approach to the stories we hope to tell about Jewish history and civilization,” notes CEO Jonathan Brent. “We’re thrilled to have this consummate professional at the helm of this exciting new YIVO initiative.”