Little-Known Work of Sholem Aleichem Translated into English for the First Time

Sep 27, 2021

(New York, NY) – Originally published in 1903, Sholem Aleichem's Moshkeleh Ganev was recently translated into English for the first time by lauded Sholem Aleichem translator Curt Leviant. On Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 1:00pm (ET), join Curt Leviant, in conversation with Dvora Reich, about Sholem Aleichem and this newly re-discovered novel.

Moshkeleh Ganev was a first for Yiddish literature featuring as its hero a rowdy, uneducated horse thief. The novel is unique in its focus on the Jewish underclass and portrayal of Jews interacting with non-Jews in the Russian Pale of Settlement. Breaking norms, it centers on Jewish characters on the fringe of respectability.

It was published three times in Poland and in the Soviet Union in the first half of the 20th century. For some unknown reason, Moshkeleh Ganev was not included in compilations of Sholem Aleichem’s collected works. Upon encountering the forgotten novel a few years ago, Leviant brought the text to light with its very first translation into English.

When:            Thursday, October 7, 2021, 1:00pm (ET)
Where:          Taking Place on Zoom
Reservations Available at:

For more information contact:
Alex Weiser
Director of Public Programs


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