Intensive Advanced I&II Yiddish
Tuition: $850 | YIVO members: $680**
Students: $425 (Must register with valid university email address)
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This is a live, online course held weekly on Zoom. Enrollment will be capped at about 15 students. All course details (Zoom link, syllabus, handouts, assignments, etc.) will be posted to Canvas. Students will be granted access to the class on Canvas after registering for the class here on the YIVO website. This class will be conducted in Yiddish.
Instructor: Sheva Zucker
Who should take this course?
This course is for those who took Intensive Intermediate III&IV Yiddish or Intermediate IV Yiddish in fall 2021. It is also appropriate for those who have studied through Unit 18B in Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Volume II by Sheva Zucker.
What topics will this class cover?
The course will focus on grammar, reading, speaking, understanding, and writing Yiddish. The class will begin at about Unit 19 in Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Volume II by Sheva Zucker. The course will cover grammatical topics such as relative clauses, indirect questions, use of prefixes and more advanced verb forms: complemented verbs with zikh, periphrastic verbs and passive constructions. We will also systematically review grammar that students have not yet mastered.
In addition, this course will also read chapters from Meylekh Ravitsh’s Dos mayse-bukh fun mayn lebn, a wonderful autobiographical account by a master storyteller that highlights life in a small Galician shtetl as well as the pre-WWII Yiddish literary scene in Warsaw.
Course Materials:
- This course will use the textbook Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Volume II by Sheva Zucker (Purchase). Students should also have the answer key. This can be purchased directly from Sheva Zucker. Audio recordings to accompany the textbook are optional and may be purchased directly from Sheva Zucker.
- This course will also read chapters from Dos Mayse-bukh fun Mayn Lebn by Meylekh Ravitsh.

Sheva Zucker has taught YIVO’s Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture for over two decades. She is the author of the textbooks Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Vols. I and II, which are used widely in university and adult classes around the world. She has taught and lectured on Yiddish and Yiddish literature on five continents and at major universities, including Columbia, New York University, Duke, Bar-Ilan, and Russian State Humanities University. From 2005 to 2020 she served as the executive director of the League for Yiddish and the editor of its all-Yiddish publication Afn Shvel. Her research and translation work focus mainly on women in Yiddish literature.
**Become a member today, starting at $54 for one year, and pay the member price for classes! You’ll save $116 right now, and more on future classes and public programs tickets.