Which Yiddish Vegetable are you? Let us know by tagging @yivoinstitute!



Need a refresher? Review the questions here. 

The winner of the Yiddish Vegetables Mug will be announced in early September. You can also pre-order a Yiddish Vegetables Mug at the YIVO Store.


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If You Chose Mostly A:

You are a carrot / מער [mer]!

You are the epitome of hard work, stability, and resilience. Just like this root vegetable, you possess unwavering dedication and a strong sense of responsibility. Your commitment to your goals is unyielding, and you tirelessly pursue success. With a steadfast nature, you provide stability to those around you, offering support in every situation. Like the carrot's ability to withstand challenging conditions, you exhibit remarkable resilience. Life's obstacles don't deter you; instead, you use them as stepping stones to grow stronger. Your unwavering determination and resilience inspire others to persevere and overcome their own challenges. Your hard work and stability make you an undeniable force to be reckoned with in both your personal and professional life, earning the respect and admiration of those fortunate enough to know you.

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If You Chose Mostly B:

You are a leek / פּאָרע־ציבעלע [póre-tsibele]!

You are a creative and adaptable individual, much like the leek. Just like the leek, you possess a remarkable imagination that knows no bounds. Your creative spirit brings color and originality to every aspect of your life, whether it's your work, hobbies, or relationships. You have a unique ability to adapt to any situation, effortlessly flowing with the changes that life presents. Your open-mindedness and flexibility enable you to seize new opportunities and embrace different perspectives. You have a keen eye for beauty and find joy in the small details that others may overlook. Your appreciation for life's wonders inspires those around you to see the world with fresh eyes and celebrate its inherent beauty.

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If You Chose Mostly C:

You are a tomato / פּאָמידאָר [pomidór]!

You are the life of the party, a vibrant and versatile individual, just like the tomato. You possess an infectious energy that lights up any room and your positive outlook on life is contagious, inspiring those around you. People are drawn to your charisma and natural magnetism, which allows you to effortlessly navigate different social circles and environments. Your zest for life shines through in everything you do. Just like the tomato brings a burst of flavor to dishes, you add excitement and enthusiasm to any situation. You have a knack for turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences and leave a lasting impression on everyone you meet.

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If You Chose Mostly D:

You are a kohlrabi / קילעריב [kileríb]!

You are an innovative and unconventional individual, just like the kohlrabi. Like this unique vegetable, you stand out from the crowd with your distinct style and forward-thinking mindset. You are never afraid to march to the beat of your own drum and challenge societal norms. Your ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions makes you a natural problem solver. Similar to how the kohlrabi combines the best of different vegetables, you possess a diverse range of interests and talents. You thrive in environments that encourage growth and challenge, and you’re not afraid to take risks. Your individuality and determination to carve your own path inspire those around you.

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If You Chose Mostly E:

You are an onion / ציבעלע [tsíbele]!

Just like an onion, you possess a multifaceted personality with layers that unfold gradually, revealing different aspects of your character. People are drawn to your depth and complexity. Similar to how the onion adds depth and flavor to various dishes, you bring depth to relationships and have a keen understanding of emotions. You are a reliable and dependable individual, akin to the humble onion. Just like this pantry staple, you are the rock in your social circle and the glue that holds people together. Your loyalty and unwavering support make you a trusted confidant and a pillar of strength for others. Your ability to create meaningful connections and offer a listening ear make you an invaluable friend and a source of comfort for those around you.

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If Your Answers Are All Over the Place:

You are a melon / דינקע [dínyke]!

You are a refreshing and unexpected individual, much like the melon – a fruit among these vegetables. You have a knack for finding the beauty in the simplest things. Just like the melon's juicy and sweet nature, you bring a burst of energy and positivity to any situation. Your presence is refreshing and uplifting, and people are drawn to your vibrant personality. You have a unique ability to defy expectations and embrace your individuality. Your ability to embrace spontaneity and seek new experiences sets you apart from the crowd. Just like biting into a juicy melon, getting to know you is a delightful adventure filled with pleasant surprises. You have the ability to bring people together and create a warm and inviting atmosphere in any social gathering or team dynamic. Embrace your natural ability to spread happiness and continue to brighten the lives of others.

Which Yiddish Vegetable Are You?

1. In an attempt to fulfill your New Year's Resolution to be healthier, you decide to make a salad for dinner. For the base you use:

a)    שפּינאַט [shpinát] – spinach
b)    ציקאָריע [tsikórye] – chicory
c)     שאַלאַטן [shalátn] – lettuce
d)    שטשאַװ [shtshav] – sorrel
e)    בלעטערקרויט [bléterkroyt] – kale

2. You're walking through the desert at the hottest part of the day. Which vegetable do you snack on:

a)    אַרבעס [árbes] – peas
b)    פֿענכל [fenkhl] – fennel
c)     װאַסער־ניסלעך [váser-nislekh] – water chestnut
d)    פֿעפֿער [féfer] – pepper
e)    אַשלעך [áshlekh] – scallions

3. Chef Gordon Ramsey will be judging dinner tonight. Which vegetable would you add to make your soup the winning dish:

a)    דיניע [dínye] – pumpkin
b)    ברוקװע [brúkve] – turnip
c)     זוקיני [zukíni] – zucchini
d)    שטשיפּיאָר [shtshípyor] – chives
e)    קאַבאַק [kabák] – squash

4. A good salad is nothing without its vegetables. Which vegetable will you add to your salad:

a)    סעלעריע [selérye] – celery
b)    כרײן [khreyn] – horseradish
c)     אוגערקע [úgerke] – cucumber
d)    בראָקאָלי [brókoli] – broccoli
e)    רעטעך [rétekh] – radish

5. During your trip around the world, which exotic vegetable are you looking forward to trying:

a)     פּאָרטולאַק [portulák] – purslane
b)    קאַרדאָן [kardón] – cardoon
c)     באַמיע [bámye] – okra
d)    סאַברע [sábre] – prickly pear
e)    אַרטישאָק [artishók] – artichoke

6. You're on Cupcake Wars and are asked to choose a vegetable to incorporate into your cupcake. Which do you choose:

a)     באַטאַטע [batáte] – sweet potatoes
b)    פּאַפּשױ [papshóy] – corn
c)     ראַבאַרבער [rabárber] – rhubarb
d)    בוריק [búrik] – beets
e)    שװעמל [shveml] – mushroom

7. If everything you ate tasted like one vegetable, which one would you want it to be:

a)    קרױט [kroyt] – cabbage
b)    פּאַסטערנאַק [pásternak] – parsnip
c)     אינגבער [íngber] – ginger
d)    לאַפּקעלע [lápkele] – watercress
e)    ספּאַרזשע [spárzhe] – asparagus

8. If there was one vegetable you could never eat again, which would you be willing to give up:

a)    קאַליפֿיאָר [kalifyór] – kauliflower
b)    בריסעלער קרױט [bríseler kroyt] – brussel sprout
c)     קאַרטאָפֿל [kartófl] – potato
d)    שאַלאָט [shalót] – shallot
e)    פּאַטלעזשאַן [patlezhán] – eggplant