Dec 23, 2019

2 cups grated raw potatoes (measure after draining)

2 eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon salt

1 rounded or heaping tablespoon flour or matzo meal

— Pinch of baking powder

1 small onion, grated (optional)

Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Drop latke mixture by the tablespoonful onto a hot skillet generously greased with butter or shortening. (If you like thin, crisp latkes, flatten with the back of a spoon.) Fry on both sides until brown. Serve piping hot with sour cream or applesauce. Serves 4-6 people.

From Love and Knishes: An Irrepressible Guide to Jewish Cooking by Sara Kasdan, with illustrations by Louis Slobodkin. New York: Vanguard, 1956. YIVO Library.