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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Class starts Jan 11 7:30pm-9:00pm

[WY2022] Yiddish Culture between the Two World Wars: The Case of Leyb Malakh and Mikhl Weichert’s 'Mississippi'

Conducted in English, this course offers a close reading of Mississippi, a Yiddish play about the Scottsboro Boys debuted in 1935 by Warsaw-based experimental Yiddish theater troupe Yung Teater. The class will read a bilingual script of the play as well as primary sources.

Monday May 2 1:00pm

“What Does Your Dream Tell You?”: B. Rivkin and Yiddish Occultism in America

The writer B. Rivkin (Borukh Avrom Weinrebe, 1883–1945) is known to scholars today as an important anarchist thinker and Yiddish literary critic. Less known is that Rivkin was also a firm believer in the occult who attended spiritualist séances and speculated about the possibility of telepathic communication.

Continuing Evolution: Yiddish Folksong Today


Alex Weiser discusses the oral tradition of Jewish songs in the Yiddish language, a musical genre well-represented in YIVO’s archival and library holdings.

Tuesday May 24 1:00pm

Yiddish Theatre in South America (1930-1960): Transnational Networks and Artistic Exchange

In this lecture, Dr. Paula Ansaldo will explore the development of the South American Yiddish theatre scene and the connections it established with the main Yiddish cultural centers of the time in the U.S. and Europe and with the larger theatrical ecosystem of South America.

Class starts Feb 13 4:00pm-5:30pm

[SPR2022] Beginner I Yiddish (Sunday)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Feb 14 5:00pm-6:30pm

[SPR2022] Beginner I Yiddish (Monday I)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Feb 14 6:00pm-7:30pm

[SPR2022] Beginner I Yiddish (Monday II)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Feb 15 10:00am-11:30am

[SPR2022] Beginner I Yiddish (Tuesday Morning)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Feb 15 3:00pm-4:30pm

[SPR2022] Beginner I Yiddish (Tuesday Afternoon)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Feb 14 6:00pm-7:30pm

[SPR2022] Intensive Beginner I&II Yiddish

This twice-weekly intensive class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for students who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.