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Photo Archive

YIVO’s Photo Archive is particularly notable in images related to Jewish life in Eastern Europe; American Jewish immigration history; Yiddish theater; and the Holocaust.

Thursday May 12 3:00pm

Survivors and Holocaust Memory in the United States

In this talk, David Slucki traces the development of Holocaust survivor organizations, through which survivors negotiated their understandings of who was a survivor, what was the Holocaust, and how it should be memorialized.

Sunday May 6 9:30am

Jews and the Left

Since the nineteenth century, Jews have played prominent roles in a variety of leftist political movements. YIVO, in association with AJHS, brought together historians, political scientists, philosophers, and journalists from Europe, Israel, and America to discuss some of the important topics pertaining to the relationship between Jews and the Left.

Wednesday Apr 29 6:30pm

The Frankfurt School on Israel

In the decades following Israel’s establishment, subtle variations appeared in the attitudes of key Jewish members of the Frankfurt School—figures like Max Horkheimer, Leo Lowenthal, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse—toward the Jewish state.

2017 Winter Program

Course List · January 3 – March 2, 2017 Between the years 1850-1940, the Jewish world was engulfed in revolutions. From the Enlightenment to Industrialization, to political turmoil in the Russian Empire and the rise of Fascism in Europe, the way of life for Jews around the world underwent profound changes. ...

Tuesday Nov 28 3:00pm

Polish Jews and Leisure Travel during the Interwar Period

How did Polish Jews had become tourists and what role Landkentenish Society (the Jewish Society for Knowledge of the Land) played in facilitating this process? The talk will draw on Yiddish and Polish travel guides, guidebooks, manuals and magazines for neophyte tourists published in the 1920s and 1930s. 



Outside media articles from 2018 about YIVO and YIVO-related topics.

Thursday Apr 19 3:00pm

Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at Der Shteyn

The Congress for Jewish Culture, the Jewish Labor Committee, the Workmen’s Circle and YIVO join together to commemorate and remember the bravery of the Partisans of the Warsaw Ghetto. This event takes place in Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Plaza in Riverside Park, NYC.

Thursday Jul 26 7:00pm

Yonia Fain: With Pen and Paintbrush

Join us for a filmed interview with writer and painter Yonia Fain conducted by Sheva Zucker, entirely in Yiddish with accurate and complete English subtitles, enhanced by photos and music.

Wednesday Nov 14 6:30pm

2018 Gala Award Dinner honoring Irene Pletka

The YIVO Institute’s 2018 Gala Award Dinner honors Irene Pletka for her exemplary leadership, inspiring generosity, and outstanding commitment to the preservation of Jewish history and culture.