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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Sunday Jun 23 6:00pm

Celebration of the New Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary

This program marked a celebration of the new Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary, the largest and most complete of its kind to date, published by Indiana University Press.

Sunday May 19 7:00pm

Yiddish in the City: SF to NYC

Yiddish in the City: Songs of love, longing and lust for life. From your first kiss to your first glass of wine, from the foggy hills of San Francisco to a Hungarian café, to the raucous streets of New York City.

Tuesday Apr 23 7:00pm

Babel in Yiddish / Yiddish in Babel

This talk explored how Isaak Babel, the great Soviet Jewish short-story writer, not only knew Yiddish, but was thoroughly immersed in Yiddish langauge and culture.

Tuesday Apr 30 3:00pm

'If We Will It': A History of the Yiddish Encyclopedia

In 1930, a group of Eastern European Jewish scholars, writers, and activists living in Berlin, Germany began planning the first ever comprehensive Yiddish-language encyclopedia to celebrate the seventieth birthday of the historian Simon Dubnow.

Tuesday Apr 9 4:00pm

Visions of a Jewish Future: Jewish Bakers, Community Organizing and Yiddish Culture in East Los Angeles

This lecture presents a portrait of Yiddish-speaking Jewish immigrants who settled in Boyle Heights in the early 20th century, a neighborhood referred to by generations of historians as “Los Angeles’ Lower East Side.”

Tuesday Mar 12 3:00pm

Forging a Field: Recovering Uriel Weinreich’s Research on Yiddish Culture in Eastern Europe

Uriel Weinreich, the most prolific and wide-ranging Yiddish researcher, is ignored by new scholars, largely because they neglect the Yiddish research tradition.

Class starts Sep 13 6:00pm-7:30pm

[FALL2023] Beginner I Yiddish (Wednesday)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

YIVO Opens New Exhibit on the Forgotten Slang of Jewish Fighters


The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research mounts new exhibit, Yiddish Fight Club, based on a linguistic study of Yiddish fighting terms that appeared in YIVO's first publication in 1926. It combines the now-forgotten slang of a violent Yiddish underworld with images of Jewish brawlers from the past. This  exhibit reveals the little-known history of the unique Yiddish fighting slang used by Jewish gangsters, boxers and professional wrestlers, among other tough Jews.

Class starts Oct 15 12:30pm-2:30pm

[FALL2023] Beginner I Yiddish (Sunday)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.

Class starts Sep 19 6:00pm-7:30pm

[FALL2023] Beginner I Yiddish (In-person)

This weekly standard class covers the alef-beys and grammar, vocabulary, and conversational basics. It is for those who are new to the Yiddish language or would like a review.