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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Thursday May 17 3:00pm

Language and Plasticity in Debora Vogel’s Poetics

Debora Vogel (1900-1942) was a Polish-Jewish writer, philosopher, art critic, and translator. This talk will examine her contributions to the Yiddish press in New York and Galicia.

Thursday Apr 19 7:00pm

The Reclamation of The Papers of Naftali Herts Kon

Ina Lancman, daughter of Naftali Herts Kon, well-known Yiddish poet and writer, will give a presentation together with Polish attorney Tomasz T. Koncewicz.

Thursday Jul 26 7:00pm

Yonia Fain: With Pen and Paintbrush

Join us for a filmed interview with writer and painter Yonia Fain conducted by Sheva Zucker, entirely in Yiddish with accurate and complete English subtitles, enhanced by photos and music.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 | 7:00pm

YIVO Summer Program 50th Anniversary Celebration

On July 11, 2018, YIVO celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Summer Program and honored Chava Lapin for her inspiring teaching and her devotion to the perpetuation of the Yiddish language.

Musical Settings of the Song of Songs


Shir Hashirim, the Song of Songs, is an ecstatic, erotic book, found in the Hebrew Bible. It has been a source of inspiration for many composers throughout history from the Yiddish theater to the Society for Jewish Folk Music, and beyond.

Wednesday Apr 10 7:00pm

Carnegie Hall’s Migrations Festival Comes to YIVO: The Musical Legacy of Eastern European Jews

Mark Slobin, acclaimed scholar of East European and American Jewish music, will discuss Carnegie Hall’s April 15th musical program, From Shtetl to Stage using images and recordings and cover a range of Yiddish theater songs, novelty numbers, concert music, and songs of social movements. 

Thursday Feb 28 3:00pm

Down with the Butchers!

This talk will focus on the literary intersection between kashrut, social injustice and the concept of the modern Jewish protest. Works by canonical Maskilic writers such as Mendele Moykher-Sforim, and Y.L Gordon will be discussed, as will a little-known Yiddish play by Morris Winchevsky, the father of Yiddish proletarian literature.

Wednesday Oct 17 3:00pm

Nudge, Wink in Whitechapel

From the late 1890s a vibrant Yiddish music hall developed in the East-End of London. This talk will analyze songs which engage with the changing roles of men and women, sex in and out of marriage, and the community's 'dirty linen', uncovering previously untold histories.

Early Years

YIVO was founded as the Yiddish Scientific Institute (Yidisher visnshaftlekher institut) in 1925 by scholars in Berlin and Vilna. 

The Door Slams Shut

The immigration quotas of 1921 and 1924 virtually shut down Jewish immigration to the United States. This exhibit provides a selection of Yiddish cartoonists’ furious responses. (2019)