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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Thursday Mar 26 3:30pm

Creating Songs in Boiberik: Singing Peace at “Felker Yontev”

Each year from 1922 until 1978, when it closed, the secular Yiddish summer camp Camp Boiberik hosted the “Felker Yontev” (Holiday of Nations) Yiddish pageant, enacting Isaiah’s prophetic vision of world peace.

Tuesday Jul 22 5:30pm

The Capital of Yiddishland: YIVO and its Relationship to Vilna

What can the relationship between YIVO and Vilna tell us about the dynamics of interwar Yiddish culture? Why did YIVO's leadership waver for so long on whether to locate in Vilna, and what did its decision finally mean for the institute’s work and for Vilna itself?

Thursday Feb 6 7:00pm

Y. L. Peretz in a Time of Revolution

This talk traced Peretz’s day-to-day reactions and the development of his ideas amidst the Revolution of 1905-06 as it unfolded in Warsaw, the cultural capital of the Yiddish-speaking world.

Thursday Jul 27 6:30pm

Chaim Beider: Poet, Editor, Essayist

This year, in memory of the Yiddish artists and writers who were murdered by the regime or suffered from repressions and cultural purges in the Soviet Union, the Congress for Jewish Culture joins with the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the Jewish Labor Committee to present Boris Sandler's new film, a one-on-one interview with his old mentor and friend, Chaim Beider (1920-2003).

Holy Language


Though a Germanic language, Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet, and contains many Hebrew words. The Hebrew component of Yiddish is referred to as Loshn-koydesh – holy language.

Tuesday Oct 3 7:00pm

Henech Kon: Beyond the Dybbuk

Henech Kon is best known today as the composer of the film score for The Dybbuk. He was, however, also a brilliant pianist and musicologist, and wrote arrangements for dozens of Yiddish songs and other scores. This lecture will present Kon’s life and work, and help to bring him the recognition he is due – and his music back on stage.

Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Founding of the Jewish Labor Bund


The program will consist of formal presentations on Bund history, performances of songs and poetry (in English and Yiddish) and commentary by contemporary activists.

Tuesday Nov 28 3:00pm

Polish Jews and Leisure Travel during the Interwar Period

How did Polish Jews had become tourists and what role Landkentenish Society (the Jewish Society for Knowledge of the Land) played in facilitating this process? The talk will draw on Yiddish and Polish travel guides, guidebooks, manuals and magazines for neophyte tourists published in the 1920s and 1930s. 

Tuesday Dec 12 6:00pm

The Processing of Fish and Fowl in Elye Bokher’s ‘Ha-mavdil Song’

In his Old Yiddish poem, ‘Ha-mavdil Song,’ Elye Bokher uses fish and fowl as vehicles of his critique of an intellectual with whom he was engaging in a polemic.

Thursday Sep 14 7:00pm

A Traveler Undisguised: "Mendele Moykher Sforim” as a Modern Jewish Intellectual

2017 marks the 100th yortsayt of famed Yiddish author Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh—a writer better known by his pseudonym, Mendele Moykher Sforim, Mendele the Book Peddler.