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Class starts Jan 9 12:00pm-1:30pm

[WY2023] The Jewish Don Quixote? Mendele’s 'The Brief Travels of Benjamin III'

Conducted in English, this seminar will offer a close reading of Sholem Yankev Abramovish's grand satire of shtetl life. While the course will use an English translation of the novel, Yiddish-readers may use the original text.

Class starts Jan 11 4:00pm-5:30pm

[WY2023] Zuntik Bulbes (Sunday Potatoes)

Conducted in Yiddish, this seminar will explore potatoes in Yiddish literature, art, and recipes. Potato enthusiasts will have the option to cook along in real time during class. The course is designed for advanced-beginner and lower-intermediate Yiddish students.

Class starts Mar 13 10:30am-12:00pm

[SPR2023] Sipurey Mayses: The Tales of Rebbe Nakhman of Bratslav

David Birnbaum examines the themes and questions raised by close readings of tales of Rebbe Nakhman of Bratslav, considered by his followers to contain his most holy and mystical teachings, and seen by secular Yiddish literary critics as a foundational text of modern Yiddish literature.

Thursday Jul 6 2:00pm

'Reb Zalmen', or The Aleksanderer Shtibl in Warsaw

Jonathan Boyarin delves into the captivating world of Yechiel Hofer's book Reb Zalmen, which offers a glimpse into the Aleksanderer Hasidim with whom he studied, prayed, and argued. Delivered in Yiddish.

Thursday Jul 13 2:00pm

Between Tradition and Trend: Popular Culture and Language Use among American Hasidim

Chaya Nove provides an overview of Hasidic popular culture, the ideological and cultural diversification within the community, and the the capacity of Hasidim to preserve their traditional lifestyle and adapt to the modern world. Delivered in Yiddish.

Thursday Jun 22 2:00pm

Yiddishism and Humanism in the Twentieth Century

Kenneth B. Moss explores how Yiddish writers navigated the tension between developing a self-sufficient cultural identity and their responsibilities to the Jewish community, societal change, cultural transmission, and the aftermath of the Holocaust. Delivered in Yiddish.
Tuesday Jul 11 7:00pm

Presents from Romania

Where was Yiddish theater born? And where was its bar mitsvah? With backstories in English and performances in Yiddish-with-supertitles, Presents from Romania is an evening of songs, scenes, stories, and "snippets" that will make you laugh and cry.

Thursday Jun 29 2:00pm

Libes briv (18th C.): Isaac Wetzlar’s Call for Reform of Jewish Society and Education

Marion Aptroot explores Isaac Wetzlar's ideas for reforming Jewish education in Ashkenaz in the mid-18th century. Delivered in Yiddish.

Sunday Jul 23 2:00pm

Shloyshim for Chava Lapin

In honor of Chava Lapin ע”ה on the occasion of her shloyshim we will make a siyum mishnayes, Mishna Ta'anit using the well-known Yiddish translation by her uncle Symcha Petrushka. The program will be conducted by the writer and researcher Michael Wex.

Thursday Jul 27 2:00pm

Chaim Grade’s Two Faces - Poetry and Prose

Miriam Trinh explores the distinct periods of Chaim Grade's literary works, analyzing his poetry and prose to understand the unique characteristics of each period. Delivered in Yiddish.