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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Women, The City and the Yiddish Theater


YIVO and Columbia University co-host a conference on modern Yiddish theater and performance. Participants will assess the newest digital archival resources for research in the field and consider women's experiences.

Classic Yiddish Writers in Caricature

Yiddish newspapers and humor magazines contain dozens of caricatures of Yiddish writers, who were indeed major celebrities in the Jewish world. (2016)

New Exhibit: Classic Yiddish Writers in Caricature


The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is opening a new exhibition: Classic Yiddish Writers in Caricature. The exhibition showcases caricature portrayals of Yiddish’s “Di klasiker” – the three classic authors of Yiddish literature, Mendele Moykher-Sforim (S.Y. Abramovitsh), Y.L. Peretz, and Sholem Aleichem (Sholem Rabinovitsh).

Tuesday Oct 7 7:00pm

Farewell to Communism: Howard Fast and Soviet Yiddish Writers

In this talk, Gennady Estraikh digs into YIVO archival exchanges between novelist Howard Fast and Paul Novick, the editor of the Yiddish daily Morgn-Frayhayt, and reveals the debates that raged in the American Yiddish press in reaction to Fast’s departure, as well as the devastating impact his decision had for American Jewish Communists.

Thursday May 15 7:00pm

YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation

This event celebrates Cecile Kuznitz's book, YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation (Cambridge University Press, 2014), the first history of YIVO.

Sunday Apr 6 11:00am

Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song

This symposium brought together archivists, scholars and performers to discuss the history and creation of Yiddish folk music archives, and the future of the study and performance of Yiddish song today. What is the role of Jewish music archives in fostering new scholarship and Yiddish music?

Sunday Mar 29 2:00pm

‘Lib’Ele Duo’ Present: The Yiddish-French Connection

French singers Eléonore Biezunski and Eléonore Weill team up as the ‘Lib’Ele Duo’ (The Dragonflies) to present this rare concert blending French and Yiddish music with special musical guest Pete Rushefsky.

Tuesday Apr 14 3:30pm

Libe and Linguistics: Towards an Archive of Yiddish Sexuality

In this talk, Zohar Weiman-Kelman draws on multiple projects that examined Yiddish sexuality in the twentieth century, and takes initial steps in generating a queer Yiddish archive of sexuality.

Monday Nov 3 6:30pm

An Evening of Art and Music Dedicated to the Kultur-Lige Yiddish Arts Movement

COJECO BluePrint Fellowship and YIVO present an evening of art and music dedicated to the Kultur-Lige Yiddish arts movement.

Tuesday Mar 4 7:00pm

Jacob Glatstein: A Yiddish Genius in Anglicizing America

Yiddish poets and writers took off in America on the crest of a huge Jewish immigrant wave at the beginning of the twentieth century, and then kept ripening their talent as most other speakers of their language swept into the English mainstream. Can individual genius flourish during its culture’s decline?