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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes – December 2013


On December 21, former YIVO assistant sound archivist Jenny Romaine was honored by the Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Fund at the second annual memorial concert in honor of the late Adrienne Cooper, a former assistant director at YIVO. The writer and performer Ezra Berkley Nepon pays homage to Jenny ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN Six years into World War II, in September 1944, Yedies published excerpts from letters YIVO had recently received from young Jewish soldiers serving in Allied forces. The letters spoke about the destruction of Jewish communities in Europe, encountered as the American, British, and Russian armies penetrated further into ...

Remembering Mikhl Herzog


Mikhl Herzog, 1927-2013 On Sunday, January 5, 2014, at 1:00 pm, YIVO will celebrate the life, work, and contributions to Yiddish culture of Mikhl Herzog, in a special memorial program. Mikhl Herzog (1927-2013) was the founding Dean of the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies at YIVO, and the editor-in-chief of ...

ייִדיש־נײַעס פֿון דער אַקאַדעמישער וועלטYiddish News from the Academic World


פֿון איציק גאָטעסמאַן

The field of Yiddish studies was well represented at the annual Association for Jewish Studies conference in Boston, Dec. 15 - 17, 2013. Yiddish literature in particular has attracted many scholars around the world. (First of a two-part report)

יעדעס יאָר טרעפֿט זיך די „אַסאָציאַציע פֿון ייִדישע שטודיעס" (Association for Jewish Studies) אין מיטן דעצעמבער, און געוויינטלעך, קומט מען זיך צונויף אין באָסטאָן. הונדערטער פּראָפֿעסאָרן און סטודענטן האַלטן רעפֿעראַטן אויף די טעמעס פֿון זייער פֿאָרשונג, און די צאָל מענטשן, וועלכע פֿאַרנעמען זיך מיט פֿאָרשונגען וועגן ייִדיש איז אַ ממשותדיקע, בפֿרט וועגן דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור.

אין איין סעסיע מכּוח די ביאָגראַפֿיעס פֿון ייִדישע שרײַבערס, האָבן דרײַ לעקטאָרן באַהאַנדלט זייערע פֿאָרשונגען פֿון דרײַ מחברים — איציק מאַנגער, יעקבֿ אַבראַמאָוויטש (מענדעלע מוכר־ספֿרים) און שלום ראַבינאָוויטש (שלום־עליכם). פּראָפֿ׳ מאַריאָן אַפּטרוט האָט געפֿירט דעם פֿאָרזיץ.

Max Weinreich on Jewish Participation in Movements for Social Progress


YIVO sometimes used its airtime on WEVD to broadcast recordings of its scholarly conferences. Here, Dr. Max Weinreich delivers the opening address at YIVO's Conference on Jewish Participation in Movements Devoted to the Cause of Social Progress, which took place in Carnegie Hall on September 10-13, 1964. From 1963-1976, YIVO had ...

Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: August 7, 1920 - November 28, 2013


YIVO mourns the loss of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, who died last week at the age of 93. Beyle, one of the greatest contemporary writers of Yiddish song and poetry was an inspiration to younger generations interested in Yiddish culture. Her packed funeral on December 1 on the Upper West Side was ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN The YIVO Archives and Library contain many rare manuscripts and books. Some are from YIVO’s prewar collections, rescued from the Nazis by dedicated volunteers in Vilna (Wilno, Poland, present day Vilnius, Lithuania) or recovered with the help of the U.S. Army after the end of World War II. ...

YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes – November 2013


On November 15, YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent appeared on the Chicago podcast, The Milt Rosenberg Show, where he spoke about Yiddish and the renewal of Ashkenazic civilization. On December 2, Jonathan appeared on the Chicago public radio show, Worldview,to discuss his participation in the International Commission for the Evaluation ...

Jewish Literary Life in the Soviet Union: Interview with Gennady Estraikh


Gennady Estraikh Gennady Estraikh is an expert on Yiddish literary and intellectual history, particularly of the Soviet era. He teaches at New York University, where he is the Rauch Associate Professor of Yiddish Studies, in the Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies. He received his doctorate from Oxford in 1996, ...

Chaim Grade and the World of Lithuanian Jewry: Interview with Curt Leviant



Curt Leviant is an esteemed translator, Yiddish scholar, and fiction writer. Among his translations are five volumes of Sholem Aleichem’s work, Chaim Grade’s The Agunah and The Yeshiva, and books by Avraham Reisen, Lamed Shapiro, I.B. Singer, and fabulist Eliezer Shteynbarg. Several of his seven critically acclaimed novels have been translated into major European languages.

For YIVO’s Winter Program, Leviant will teach a course on Yiddish Romantic poet Chaim Grade (1910-1982), “Chaim Grade and the World of Lithuanian Jewry.” In 2013, YIVO acquired Grade’s archive, including 20,000 volumes in multiple languages. (For more information on this acquisition, click here).