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YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes - October 2013


YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent's review of Seth Lipsky’s newly published biography of Abraham Cahan, founder of the Forward, was published in the latest issue of Moment Magazine.

On October 11, Jonathan traveled to Vilnius to participate in a meeting of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania. The Commission is a member of the European Union’s Platform of European Memory and Conscience and is charged with researching the crimes of both the Nazi and the Soviet occupations of Lithuania beginning in 1940, with the aim of creating accurate historical narratives. As a member of the commission, Jonathan’s  specific role will be to work with the sub-group devoted to the crimes of Stalinism in Lithuania.

The Making of Modern Judaism: Interview with Eliyahu Stern


On Thursday, November 7th, Eliyahu Stern, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, will appear at YIVO for a talk about his new book, The Genius: Elijah of Vilna and the Making of Modern Judaism (Yale University Press), with moderator Jeremy Dauber, professor of Yiddish literature at Columbia University.

The beginnings of contemporary Jewry are often associated with Jewish figures in Western Europe such as Moses Mendelssohn. But in The Genius: Elijah of Vilna and the Making of Modern Judaism, Stern offers a new and provocative narrative for understanding contemporary Jewish life, which begins in the East, with the leading Eastern European mystic and rabbinic scholar of the 18th century, Elijah ben Solomon, or the “Vilna Gaon.”

Eliyahu Stern was the Tell fellow at the YIVO Institute in 2004. He is interviewed here by Yedies Editor Roberta Newman.

The Klezmatics at YIVO on November 19th: 2nd installment of an interview with Lorin Sklamberg


On Tuesday, November 19, 2013, The Klezmatics will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at YIVO’s 88th Annual Benefit Dinner and will perform excerpts of a work-in-progress based on the Letters to Afar installation by Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics, (featuring YIVO’s unique collection of Polish Jewish home movies from the 1930s) at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Péter Forgács will also be at the event.

The Klezmatics are world-renowned superstars of klezmer. Since their emergence from New York City’s East Village in 1986, they have revitalized Yiddish music for the 21st century. The band has helped to change the face of contemporary Yiddish culture, not least through their career-long research and use of materials found in the Max and Frieda Weinstein Archive of YIVO Sound Recordings. They have performed in more than 20 countries, released ten acclaimed albums and served as the subject of a feature-length documentary film, The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground.

On October 9, 2013, The Klezmatics’ lead vocalist Lorin Sklamberg, who is also YIVO’s Sound Archivist, was interviewed by Yedies Editor Roberta Newman. (This is the second of a 2-part series.)

Newly Published Books Based on Research at YIVO


Every month, the YIVO Library receives complimentary copies of books whose content has been drawn in part from research done by the authors in the YIVO Archives and Library. Below is a partial list of books published in 2012 and 2013.

Historic YIVO Radio Program on WEVD: A Joint Project with the Cloakmakers Union (1964)


This second episode, which originally aired on January 19, 1964, features host Sheftl Zak interviewing Reva Mark, daughter of scholar Yudl Mark, about her work collecting materials about American Jewish life in the early 20th century, a joint project between YIVO and the Joint Board of the Cloakmakers Union, and ...

The Beilis Trial and Popular Culture


On Monday, November 4, YIVO will host a panel discussion in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Beilis Trial, a cause célèbre of its time. In 1911, a Jewish factory clerk, Mendel Beilis in Kiev, was falsely accused of ritually murdering a Christian boy. His trial in 1913 was ...

די לידער פֿונעם בדחן משהלע שטאַם געפֿונען


פֿון איציק גאָטעסמאַן

Itzik Gottesman reports on how the music and texts of the songs of a 19th century badkhn, wedding entertainer, have been "reunited" in the YIVO archives, sound recording included!

דעם 22סטן יולי 2011 איז געשטאָרבן סילוויאַ האָפֿמאַן, אויך באַקאַנט ווי סילוויאַ יונין, אַ שרײַבערין און קינסטלערין, ווי אויך די אַלמנה פֿונעם שרײַבער, פּאָעט און פֿאָלקלאָריסט וואָלף יונין (1908 — 1984). צווישן אירע און איר מאַנס פּאַפּירן וואָס זי האָט איבערגעלאָזט דעם ייִוואָ־אַרכיוו, האָט זיך געפֿונען אַ ביכעלע, אַ זאַמלונג לידער, געשריבן פֿונעם בדחן משהלע שטאַם, בײַם סוף פֿונעם 19טן יאָרהונדערט פֿונעם גאַליצישן שטעטל גלינע. דער קלעזמער־פֿידלער בעריש קאַץ, שטאַמס אַ פּלימעניק, האָט דאָס ביכעלע איבערגעגעבן וואָלף יונין אין די 1940ער יאָרן.

משהלע שטאַם איז געווען אַ גוט־באַקאַנטער בדחן און איז אויפֿגעטראָטן אויף חתונות נישט נאָר אין גלינע, נאָר אויך אין די אַרומיקע שטעטלעך פֿון צענטראַל-גאַליציע. דאָס ביכעלע איז באמת אַן אוצר פֿאַר דער פֿאָרשונג פֿון דער ייִדישער פֿאָלקסליטעראַטור, אַ שאָד נאָר וואָס מע קען נישט די מעלאָדיעס צו די לידער.

The Klezmatics at YIVO on November 19th: Interview with Lorin Sklamberg


On Tuesday, November 19, 2013, The Klezmatics will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at YIVO’s 88th Annual Benefit Dinner and will perform excerpts of a work-in-progress based on the Letters to Afar installation by Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics, (featuring YIVO’s unique collection of Polish Jewish home movies from the 1930s) at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Péter Forgács will also be at the event.

The Klezmatics are world-renowned superstars of klezmer. Since their emergence from New York City’s East Village in 1986, they have revitalized Yiddish music for the 21st century. The band has helped to change the face of contemporary Yiddish culture, not least through their career-long research and use of materials found in the Max and Frieda Weinstein Archive of YIVO Sound Recordings. They have performed in more than 20 countries, released ten acclaimed albums and served as the subject of a feature-length documentary film, The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground.

On October 9, 2013, The Klezmatics’ lead vocalist Lorin Sklamberg, who is also YIVO’s Sound Archivist, was interviewed by Yedies Editor Roberta Newman. (This is the first of a 2-part series.)

The Jews in Poland and Russia: Interview with Antony Polonsky


On Tuesday, October 22, Antony Polonsky, the Albert Abramson Professor of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University will appear at YIVO to discuss his monumental three-volume The Jews in Poland and Russia (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization). He is interviewed here by Yedies Editor Roberta Newman. RN: Why did you see a need ...

The Center of Jewish Scholarship – A Portrait of YIVO in 1939


In 1939, Noah Golinkin, a student at Yeshiva University in New York, lately arrived from Vilna, wrote a booklet about YIVO for the Amopteyl, YIVO’s American division. His son, Professor David Golinkin, translated the booklet into English as a memorial on the occasion of his father’s tenth yahrzeit.


Introduction to the English Translation

My father, Rabbi Noah Golinkin z"l, was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine, on the eighth night of Chanukah, 1913, to Rabbi Mordechai Ya'akov and Chana Chaya Freida Golinkin. When he was about seven years old, his family fled to Vilna in order to escape the Petlyura massacres.

The rest of his life can be divided into four periods.[1] He spent his formative years, ca. 1920-1938, in and around Vilna where he studied at the famous Ramayles Yeshiva together with the Yiddish writer Chaim Grade, as well as in a Polish gymnasium. He also spent time at YIVO, as is evident from this pamphlet. After graduating with a law degree from the Stefan Batory University in Vilna, which was rife with anti-Semitism, he realized that there was no future for the Jews of Poland. In February 1937, he wrote to Yeshiva University in New York and asked to study there; he finally arrived in the U.S. with a student visa in June of 1938.