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4 pages found for Yidl Mitn Fidl

A Tribute to Sholem Aleichem


YIVO commemorates Sholem Aleichem’s hundredth yortsayt with a new exhibition featuring materials from the newly acquired Sholem Aleichem Family Archive. To kick off this exhibition, YIVO is hosting two Sholem Aleichem tribute events.

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN This year, the 1938 Yiddish film classicMamele, starring Molly Picon, perhaps the world’s best-known Yiddish actress, was screened at the New York Jewish Film Festival in a version newly restored by the National Center for Jewish Film. But the first rediscovery of this film occurred in September 1978, when ...

Romance Thank You Page

You're a Yiddish romance expert! #YiddishRomance Find out how well you did with the answers below: 1. Ikh hob far dir a sod a zisn I have never seen anyone as sweet as you. You're so sweet, you're giving me cavities. You are sweeter than honey. I've got a sweet secret for you. 2. Sheyn bistu vi a ...

Yiddish Kvetching Thank You

Check your answers below and let us know how you did! #yiddishquiz 1. A khisorn di kale iz tsu sheyn. a) A piece of kale would be less bitter. b) It’s too bad the bride is too pretty. c) He is shorter than he is wide. 2. Az dos meydl ken nit tantsn, zogt zi az ...