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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Steven Zipperstein Appointed First Jacob Kronhill Visiting Scholar at YIVO


(NEW YORK, September 17, 2013) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is pleased to announce the appointment of the first Jacob Kronhill Visiting Scholar, Dr. Steven Zipperstein, Daniel E. Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture and History at Stanford University. The Jacob Kronhill Visiting Scholar will conduct a graduate-level seminar in ...

YIVO Receives Grants from Nathan Ruderman Foundation, Claims Conference


(NEW YORK, July 2013) – The YIVO Institute is pleased to announce that it has received two generous grants for work on the Sutzkever-Kaczerginski Collection, which contains some of the rarest documents held in the YIVO archives. The Collection is named in honor of the two distinguished poets who headed ...

YIVO Launches the “YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland”


(NEW YORK, June 1, 2013)– The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is delighted to announce the launch of the YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland, at The website provides access to thousands of digitized documents, manuscripts, photographs, artworks, films, and audio recordings relating to the rich and ...

Gennady Estraikh Appointed YIVO's First Albert B. Ratner Visiting Scholar


(NEW YORK, July 8, 2014) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Gennady Estraikh as the first Albert B. Ratner Visiting Scholar in East European Jewish Literature. Dr. Estraikh will be in residence for the fall semester 2014. The Albert B. Ratner ...

Theodore Bikel (1924 - 2015)


It is with sadness that the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research mourns the passing of Theodore Bikel (1924-2015). Mr. Bikel was a true renassaince man of the 20th century with prolific achievements in theatre, film and music, as well as a humanitarian who fought for civil and workers' rights. He ...

Yiddishland: Countries, Cities, Towns, Rivers

דער ייִוואָ האָט דאָס פֿאַרגעניגן צו ברענגען דעם לייענער דאָס ווערק ייִדיש־לאַנד: לענדער, שטעט, שטעטלעך, טײַכן. ס'איז דאָס נײַסטע רינגל אין דער סעריע ייִוואָ־פּובליקאַציעס אויף דער אינטערנעץ. דאָס האָבן מיר צום ערשטן מאָל זיך אונטערגענומען צו ברענגען אונטער איין „דאַך" טויזנטער ייִדישע ערטערנעמען פֿון צענטראַל־ און מיזרח־אייראָפּע. איצט האָבן מיר שוין ...

Embers Plucked from the Fire

The miraculous story of how rare books and manuscripts were hidden from the Nazis.

Holocaust Study Resources

YIVO is one of the world’s most important centers for the study of the Holocaust.

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN Ten years after relocating to New York, YIVO held its twenty-fourth annual conference, the program for which was publicized in advance in the February 1950 issue of Yedies.The wide range of topics focused on Jewish life in the U.S. and Israel, and included presentations on Yiddish dictionaries and ...

The Center of Jewish Scholarship – A Portrait of YIVO in 1939


In 1939, Noah Golinkin, a student at Yeshiva University in New York, lately arrived from Vilna, wrote a booklet about YIVO for the Amopteyl, YIVO’s American division. His son, Professor David Golinkin, translated the booklet into English as a memorial on the occasion of his father’s tenth yahrzeit. Introduction to the ...