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YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes - October 2013


YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent's review of Seth Lipsky’s newly published biography of Abraham Cahan, founder of the Forward, was published in the latest issue of Moment Magazine.

On October 11, Jonathan traveled to Vilnius to participate in a meeting of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania. The Commission is a member of the European Union’s Platform of European Memory and Conscience and is charged with researching the crimes of both the Nazi and the Soviet occupations of Lithuania beginning in 1940, with the aim of creating accurate historical narratives. As a member of the commission, Jonathan’s  specific role will be to work with the sub-group devoted to the crimes of Stalinism in Lithuania.

French and Jewish: Defining a Modern Jewish Identity in the 19th Century Interview with Jay Berkovitz


Jay Berkovitz talks about how the Pinkas of Metz paints a portrait of a Jewish community in the era of the French Revolution.

Chaim Grade and the World of Lithuanian Jewry: Interview with Curt Leviant



Curt Leviant is an esteemed translator, Yiddish scholar, and fiction writer. Among his translations are five volumes of Sholem Aleichem’s work, Chaim Grade’s The Agunah and The Yeshiva, and books by Avraham Reisen, Lamed Shapiro, I.B. Singer, and fabulist Eliezer Shteynbarg. Several of his seven critically acclaimed novels have been translated into major European languages.

For YIVO’s Winter Program, Leviant will teach a course on Yiddish Romantic poet Chaim Grade (1910-1982), “Chaim Grade and the World of Lithuanian Jewry.” In 2013, YIVO acquired Grade’s archive, including 20,000 volumes in multiple languages. (For more information on this acquisition, click here).

Becoming Soviet Jews: Interview with Elissa Bemporad


Author Elissa Bemporad talks about her book.

Key Word "Shtetl": Interview with Jeffrey Shandler


Author Jeffrey Shandler talks about his book.

The role of the Judenrat in the Holocaust (1967)


The role of the Judenrat in the Holocaust.

Max Weinreich on Ashkenazic Jewry, 1000-1300 (1967)


A paper by Max Weinreich on Ashkanaz, 1100-1300

The Forverts and the Vorwärts


German and Jewish labor unions on the Lower East Side: forgotten links.

Tuesday Nov 10 6:30pm

The Gymnasium Yavne: Lithuanian Jewish Girls’ Education in Telz

YIVO Fellow Isabelle Rozenbaumas presents her multi-modal journey toward understanding Lithuanian Jewry through the lens of a Jewish girls’ school.

The Tragedy of a Generation: Interview with Joshua Karlip


The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Harvard University Press, 2013) traces the origins of two influential but overlooked strains of Jewish thought, Diaspora Nationalism and Yiddishism. Its leading exemplars dreamed of an autonomous Jewish nation in Europe, but were forced to ...