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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Class starts Mar 5 5:30pm-7:00pm

[SPR2024] Globetrotting Yiddish Writers: Exploring the Work of Perets Hirshbeyn and H.-D. Nomberg

Abraham Lichtenbaum explores the work of Yiddish writers Perets Hirshbeyn and H.-D. Nomberg, who sought to capture their era and a picture of life across the Americas and Israel in their writing.

Class starts Mar 3 12:00pm-1:30pm

[SPR2024] 'Erets-Yisroel' as a Region of “Yiddishland”: Travels of Yiddish Writers to Palestine 1907-1937

Yaad Biran examines key Yiddish writers who visited Palestine to understand their ideological points of view, appreciate the literary aspects of their writings, and attempt to recreate their vision of “Yidishland.”

Tuesday May 7 7:00pm

Yiddish and Hebrew Song in the Weimar Republic

Join YIVO for a concert exploring Yiddish and Hebrew songs of the Weimar Republic.

Tuesday Jun 25 2:00pm

Leo Rosten and the Translation of Yiddish Joy

Sunny Yudkoff examines the frequently mentioned but little read The Joys of Yiddish by Leo Rosten to explore Rosten's vision of Yiddish joy. Delivered in English.

Thursday Jul 11 2:00pm

Testimonies in Responsa and What They Tell Us about the Development of Spoken Yiddish

Moshe Taube explores the syntax, morphology, and the lexicon of testimonies written in "Loshn Ashkenaz" (Yiddish and German) to learn about the the development of spoken and written Yiddish. Delivered in Yiddish.

Tuesday Jul 23 2:00pm

Musical Pripetshik: Lyrics and Melodies of Traditional Yiddish Folksongs

Michael Lukin explores little-known Eastern Yiddish musical folklore, which was an integral part of Jewish culture and evolved in meaning and function over time. Delivered in English.

Thursday Jul 25 2:00pm

Ethnographers between Yiddish and Polish: a Study in Intellectual History

Karolina Szymaniak presents the roles Chaim Chajes and Daniel Fajnsztejn played in shaping modern ethnography, and what could have become a new field of study if not for the outbreak of World War II and the Holocaust. Delivered in Yiddish.

Palestinian Yiddish

This exhibit tells the story of Yiddish in Ottoman-ruled and British-Mandate Palestine and details the changing attitudes toward the language on the parts of the different Jewish communities there. It features rare publications created by Palestinian Yiddishists involved in an internal Jewish language war. (2023)

Thursday Sep 19 7:30pm

Yiddish on the Move: Yiddish Writing and Publishing after the Holocaust

Rachelle Grossman, Matt Johnson, Harriet Murav, and Christin Zühlke, in a panel discussion moderated by Erin McGlothlin, delve into the elaborate dynamics of Yiddish writing and publishing across transnational literary networks after the Holocaust.

Thursday Nov 7 7:00pm

The Yiddish Supernatural on Screen

Rebecca Margolis, in conversation with Olga Gershenson, investigates how translated and subtitled Yiddish dialogue in film and television reimagines Jewish lore and tells new stories, where the supernatural looms over the narrative.