Eddy Portnoy, Academic Advisor and Director of Exhibitions

Recently, I worked with Alex Weiser, YIVO’s Director of Public Programs, to develop a video for YIVO’s virtual gala Sukkot Around the World, featuring chefs who made holiday dishes representing Italy, Hungary, Ethiopia, and Morocco. Tasters from the culinary world shared their impressions of these delicious recipes, and I served as the evening’s emcee. My new video detailing YIVO’s history can be viewed on our YouTube channel, as can lectures by some of our talented Research Fellows whom I helped to select and advise this year.

For many years, we have illuminated Jewish history and culture through physical exhibits, events, and presentations taking place at YIVO. By venturing more heavily into digital spheres, we are bringing our knowledge and resources to broader, more diverse audiences. People are eager to learn about perspectives on history that affect their identities and the meaning of our collective past.

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Hear from other members of our professional team:

Alex Weiser

Director of Public Programs

Karolina Ziulkoski

Chief Curator, YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum

Ben Kaplan

Director of Education

Stefanie Halpern

Director of the YIVO Archives

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