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1546 pages found for Yiddish club

Saturday Dec 26 8:00pm

Dreaming in Yiddish: Adrienne Cooper Memorial Concert

The annual concert honoring Yiddish singer and scholar Adrienne Cooper presents the award for “Dreaming in Yiddish” to Joshua Dolgin, aka Socalled.

Tuesday Feb 17 7:00pm

Planning for the Jewish Future: Standards for Yiddish in the 20th and 21st Centuries

How does standardizing Yiddish relate to planning a healthy Jewish future? In this lecture, Dr. Rakhmiel Peltz leads us on a panoramic trip through the struggle for standards in society and Jewish culture.

Thursday May 14 6:30pm

On the Waves of Ether: Yiddish Language Programming on Polish Radio, 1945-1958

In this talk, Anna Rozenfeld discusses Yiddish radio programs in postwar Poland, and why they were especially meaningful to survivors and Jews abroad.

Yiddish Names for Trees (1967)


Mordkhe Schaechter on the names of trees in Yiddish (YIVO on WEVD, 1967).

Shmuel Lapin on Yiddish


Shmuel Lapin discusses Yiddish in contemporary life (1967).

Thursday Jul 7 1:00pm

Women, the City, and the Yiddish Theater

Scholars, librarians, and archivists present on modern Yiddish theater and performance. Participants will assess the newest digital archival resources for research in the field and consider women's experiences.

Monday May 8 7:00pm

Drunk from the Bitter Truth: The Poems of Anna Margolin

This meeting of the 16th Street Book Club will discuss Drunk from the Bitter Truth: The Poems of Anna Margolin, translated from the Yiddish by Shirley Kumove.

Wednesday May 24 7:00pm

The Yiddish Celluloid Closet and the Isle of Klezbos

Despite the taboo surrounding homosexuality, the topic was too intriguing to be left entirely out of the Yiddish picture. The Yiddish Celluloid Closet program presents Yiddish cinema as you’ve never seen it, plus Isle of Klezbos’ loving and live reinterpretations of movie music from the revelatory soundtracks.

Yiddish Writers in YIVO's Archives


YIVO’s archives have numerous manuscripts, letters, papers and more from many major Yiddish writers.

Tuesday May 16 3:00pm

The Rise and Fall of The King of Lampedusa in London’s Yiddish Theatre

This talk will look at the history of London’s Yiddish theatres before telling the story of its most successful production: The King of Lampedusa.